Benjamin Gadon, CPA
Mr. Gadon’s client-focused career has included working with diversified taxpayers in large and middle market businesses and individuals. His substantial federal, multistate and international experience provides a broad perspective on the needs of entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals and their businesses. He has developed substantial skills and expertise in federal, multistate, and international issues including tax planning, tax compliance, tax advocacy, inbound and outbound international transactions and compliance.
Mr. Gadon works with individuals, addressing such concerns general tax and estate planning as well as cash outflow minimization, divorce and retirement planning, succession and trust and estate planning, tax impact of investments, foreign residents doing business in U.S. and foreign expatriates working here and abroad.
Mr. Gadon received a Bachelor of Accounting and a Masters of Accounting from the University of Florida.
Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Member, New York State Society of Certified Public Accounts
New Tax Study Group
Member, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Member, French American Chamber of Commerce
Member, Board of Directors, AMAS Musical Theater
Member, Art Kibbutz